✨Approaching your estimated due date✨
It's important to remember that your 'due date' is only a really rough estimate of when your baby might arrive! 37-42 weeks is considered full term in pregnancy! And only about 4% of babies are actually born on their estimated due date! You are not 'overdue' if you go past 40 weeks!
Whilst the last few weeks of pregnancy can be emotionally and physically challenging, it's important that you try to maintain a positive mindset. You want to try and relax and eliminate any unecessary stress, so your body can release those hormones needed for labour to start.
Some of my tips are:
🤳 Ignore all messages and calls from family/friends asking if you're in labour or have had your baby yet. (Responding to these and focusing on the fact baby hasn't arrived yet, may cause you to feel a bit stressed or overwhelmed).
✨Practice your hypnobirthing techniques daily (self hypnosis tracks, light touch, affirmations etc). Also a good idea to read through your birth preferences again. Your care provider may bring up induction around 39/40 weeks, so remember to use your BRAIN technique to make informed decisions.
💆♀️Book in some self care! Whether it be an epsom bath with a candle lit, or a pregnancy massage! This will help you to relax and feel calm.
🧘🏻♀️Go for short walks or do some gentle movement such as pregnancy yoga or Pilates!
❤️Go on dates/outings with your partner or friends! This will allow for some nice 1:1 quality time together before baby arrives!
🛌 Try to relax and rest when you can. And do things that make you feel good! (Watch a movie with your partner, if you have children already you can spend some quality time with them, read a book, take your dogs for a walk etc). We want to release oxytocin! 🥰
Try to surrender during this time and remind yourself that your baby will arrive at the perfect time.
What helps you as you approach your estimated due date?